Monday, December 21, 2015

Moving Inward to Find Balance~Jolie's Desire for Change

 #peppermint #chocolate #sugarfree #vegan #tea
Recipe below

Happy Solstice!
At a time in nature that we are meant to be hibernating, our culture has us running around like crazy. It is not natural! The sun sets earlier, the evenings are colder. We are meant to be inside with our bodies resting, enjoying a warm elixir, nourishing our deepest selves.

It is my desire for this change. I admit, I am not a fan of the time change, but as we do enter the darker times, we are meant to embrace it. We are meant to embrace our own darkness, to heal the wounds of the fire that may have burnt out of control in the warmer months. We are meant to nourish our bodies with more fatty foods and our souls with the comfort of security behind closed doors under covers.

I personally have chosen to slow way down this winter. Perhaps if I were honest, I would say my sweet little boy has encouraged me to slow way down. When it gets dark he insists on that time of snuggles inside. When I follow his lead, I find myself less stressed and more willing to embrace that still dark mode within. That place that allows for the healing to plant deep within the soil of my nature and prepare for the coming months. The times of nurture and bountiful preparations for the seeds to sprout from the depth of inner knowing that was allowed to germinate.

I desire this change in our society. I desire to have my tribe be on the same rhythm as me. I desire that business will support this style of living. And as the sun begins to set later and the rise of the warmth in the morning become more present, that I too will unfold in form ready to take on yet another change. A sprouting of a new me, new ideas and new ways of living in my feminine flow. It is this embrace that I hold close to my physical body as I lay on the earth in my deepest, slowest breath and movement in my evening practice. It is from this place that I will nurture my deepest feminine self so that I too pulse in alignment with Mother Earth.

May you find your deep dark place to take refuge this winter.  Should you be looking for a place to be guided, try one of our evening candle light yoga classes. It is by the light of the moon that we shall move inward to embrace our darkness from which to expand back out from in pure form of truest and highest self.

Much love to you during this Holiday Season and Solstice,

Sugar Free Peppermint Chocolate Tea Recipe:
Organic Peppermint tea steeped strong (about 10-15 minutes), add a heaping tea spoon of unsweetened baking chocolate powder (or raw ground cocao), mix well and add warm almond milk to taste.
*you may use sipping chocolate if you desire sweetness.