Monday, December 21, 2015

Moving Inward to Find Balance~Jolie's Desire for Change

 #peppermint #chocolate #sugarfree #vegan #tea
Recipe below

Happy Solstice!
At a time in nature that we are meant to be hibernating, our culture has us running around like crazy. It is not natural! The sun sets earlier, the evenings are colder. We are meant to be inside with our bodies resting, enjoying a warm elixir, nourishing our deepest selves.

It is my desire for this change. I admit, I am not a fan of the time change, but as we do enter the darker times, we are meant to embrace it. We are meant to embrace our own darkness, to heal the wounds of the fire that may have burnt out of control in the warmer months. We are meant to nourish our bodies with more fatty foods and our souls with the comfort of security behind closed doors under covers.

I personally have chosen to slow way down this winter. Perhaps if I were honest, I would say my sweet little boy has encouraged me to slow way down. When it gets dark he insists on that time of snuggles inside. When I follow his lead, I find myself less stressed and more willing to embrace that still dark mode within. That place that allows for the healing to plant deep within the soil of my nature and prepare for the coming months. The times of nurture and bountiful preparations for the seeds to sprout from the depth of inner knowing that was allowed to germinate.

I desire this change in our society. I desire to have my tribe be on the same rhythm as me. I desire that business will support this style of living. And as the sun begins to set later and the rise of the warmth in the morning become more present, that I too will unfold in form ready to take on yet another change. A sprouting of a new me, new ideas and new ways of living in my feminine flow. It is this embrace that I hold close to my physical body as I lay on the earth in my deepest, slowest breath and movement in my evening practice. It is from this place that I will nurture my deepest feminine self so that I too pulse in alignment with Mother Earth.

May you find your deep dark place to take refuge this winter.  Should you be looking for a place to be guided, try one of our evening candle light yoga classes. It is by the light of the moon that we shall move inward to embrace our darkness from which to expand back out from in pure form of truest and highest self.

Much love to you during this Holiday Season and Solstice,

Sugar Free Peppermint Chocolate Tea Recipe:
Organic Peppermint tea steeped strong (about 10-15 minutes), add a heaping tea spoon of unsweetened baking chocolate powder (or raw ground cocao), mix well and add warm almond milk to taste.
*you may use sipping chocolate if you desire sweetness.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Becoming a Mom!

#babyboy #LittleD

On October 28th a beautiful #babyboy came to live with me. I am officially his foster mom and with all going well, I will adopt him! Although I am not allowed to post publicly his name, photos or much about him, I CAN tell you he is divine! He is chill, sweet and has a solid knowing of who he is. I can see it in his deep dark eyes. He already gets this thing called LIFE.

In our short time together he has dropped me to my knees in gratitude, wonder, amazement, desperation and the yearning to know what is right. I tell my mamas in class and in my coaching all the time that "whatever choice you make is the right choice" which is really true. Until I was making those choices. And then every bit of self doubt and guilt arise. I've been here before. It just looks different. I am all too familiar with those dark beings inside me of doubt and guilt. I let them go ages ago. They no longer served me so why hold on to them. I did the Spiritual work. I no longer needed that pacifier. Until I became a mother over night.

I went from 0-mom. All I have known has gone out the window. I am stripped free from all preconceptions, I stand naked in front of the mirror and ask the divine to show me the way. Just as I have before. I have been here before as well. I thought I knew the way. I made my choices and away I went. Well, I am here again. I have made many level changes in my life to arrive back at what I think are old lessons when in fact they are just residuals of old ways of being. A time and journey to move beyond those places that still show you the true self of who you are and where you have been and where to go no. How to move forward comes from the wisdom of our path of times past. Those experiences that molded us to who we are. That is who I am today. Only now as I stand naked in front of the mirror, I hold with me the journey of the unknown. This beautiful being who has graced me with his wisdom and path of knowing. Straight from the divine.

May I be the best pillar one may be to this beautiful boy. And to paraphrase Khalil Gibran: May I not try to make you like me but strive to be like you.
May my bow send you my arrow, swift and far.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Releasing the Poisons

Photo taken Day 14 #nosugar
photo credit: Selfie
location: my new digs
purpose: belly pudge minimized 


Well I made it back this month to write again. Kind of proud of myself and really letting go of beating myself up because I am actually 2 days late on my goal for my newsletter. I have been experiencing quite a bit of the whole beating myself up bit lately. Its amazing how the mind works. And after all these years of me really paying attention to my mind, meditating, positive affirmations, etc,  I find it fascinating that I am not a pure form of perfection. Sheesh! why not?
Poison! That's why! I am currently on day 20 of no sugar in my diet. And in the light of being my true authentic self these days, let me clarify, no processed sugar. I am still eating fruit and have had one taste of honey because, well.......I seriously thought I might die! Good news is, I didn't.  Who knew?
All those people who keep saying it gets easier after 4 or 5 days......WHATEVER! No it doesn't and I am here to tell you it is possible, but there has been nothing easy about this. It has been torture from the moment I wake up until the moment I deprive myself of ice cream and go to bed. YES! you read that right. I am living a life of ice cream deprivation. But here is the best part, I am only deprived in my mind.
When I really check in, I am feeling awesome, my joints are better than ever and my, eh hem.....bowel movements are superb if I may say so myself. TMI? maybe but we all do it and it is the foundation to a healthy body. So if you aren't watching your movements daily, you best start! They are your number one "tell all" to how you are living life on the inside. But I digress.  My issue is the mind. It is so crazy that one simple injection of poison in my body can poison my mind for years. It is all I think about. "I AM NOT HAVING SUGAR....OH MY GOD!" So I actually have to stop every single meal (I eat 5 a day) and wrap my head around the fact that I will consciously consume this beautiful food and after, I will release the temptation to sooth my craving with another conscious positive thought instead of feed the poison in my mind with something actually sweet. And this is another part of the puzzle, on a physical level I know my body is missing something because I crave sugar after every meal. WAIT! don't tell me because I already know. I have been told a gazillion times by my midwife, nutritionists and all the other healers I have worked with in my years of nutritional healing. And, because this is the beauty of my sadhana around sugar. I am going deeper, I am figuring out all that I need to know in the exact right times. I am reminiscent of all the times I have rebelled the talk around sugar. Even ignoring that it may very well be the single most thing that took my mothers life by stomach cancer. That and her negative mind around food, eating and dieting. She was an amazing teacher of these things and I learned well. She knew this and shared a deeper wisdom of beauty upon her departing this earth that has allowed me to be the healthy woman I am today.

So today I sit in my darkness. Don't worry about coming to find me. I know the way out, it is near the light of the divine that was placed in me BY the divine through all the women who have stood before me. They guide me to the divine nature within myself that keeps me connected to the great spirit. The plan is laid out in front of me and allows me to rebel when I need deeper lessons. It also allows me to surface when I need a different perspective or to take refuge. I embody this space I am in and vow to do it not just for my own sugar addiction but for all beings that they may feel safe knowing that just maybe one brave soul has gone before them. It may be releasing the poisons from the mind, of sugar, body image, drug use or abuse on any level. It will be safe because I can say, I will hold you when you surface. I am here. I know the feeling and I will share in your darkness AND in your light. I will hold you sweet one so you too will feel safe and understand the divine light that much more.

So I am here to walk this labyrinth with you. I am walking it now and have walked it many times before. Just like those who are holding me, trusting me and my wisdom, I too trust you and your wisdom.
I honor you. I am grateful for this time together as we release the poisons placed upon us in unconscious moments where we knew no better or chose to turn away to the understanding of the wisdom. I am honored that you hear my words and allow me to share in my darkest lessons as I release my ego in many forms, moving through so many dark parts of my self and finding deeper connections to my true beauty as a woman without ego.

The veil to those who have stood before me is thinning once more.

What poisons are you looking to release from your body?
What poisons are you looking to release from your life?

May you step into the darkness of your poisons, transforming them to the most beautiful self you know. You are supported!

May you be blessed with the container to love yourself first
so you may better care for others.

I invite you to join me on the mat or in the red tent soon!
Much love & Namaste
Jolie Cash, director NWSY
I'd love to connect more often. So many places these days, its tiring isn't it? I do my best to stay present and still stay connected.
Join me if you will.
If you wish to peek into my everyday journey of organic life, food and all around fun, life experiences and spiritual lessons,  
find me on  
Instagram @JolieCash 
I also share about my adoption process here.  

 Here is a chant for the new moon this month that I had the honor of being a part of. Please check it out. It is a chant to Laxmi, the goddess of abundance. May you be abundant in all you do!
Follow Laura Rose and her Sacred Song Series on YouTube at Sita Rose:


Thoughts from the Stephanie Rosenblatt for Nature's Whisper Yoga

Preparing the mind for stillness
Why I do a morning sadhana
by Stephani Rosenblatt

I always felt a longing for a dedicated spiritual practice, and even though I had practiced yoga for 10 years, I still didn’t understand what it was to meditate or find stillness. It finally became clear for me when I started a daily practice, or a sadhana as it is called in yoga.

It started out with a simple premise, I would do “yoga” everyday for 40 days and witness what happened as a result. Be it in a studio class, at home or in the wild, it all counted and it didn’t matter what the length of time was.

I choose 40 days because it is said in yoga that it is the length of time needed to break a bad habit. 90 days is needed to establish a new habit, 120 days will confirm the new habit and in 1000 days you will master the new habit.

Sure enough 40 days lead to more, and with the encouragement of a beloved teacher I pondered if I could make this a part of my life every day. Fast-forward to new years day 2014, after 6 months of yoga everyday, I committed to the only new years resolution I have ever kept. I resolved to do my practice, or my sadhana everyday for the entire 365 days of the year. It wasn’t an easy year, I went to India and fell so sick, that the most I could do was listen to a 5-minute healing mantra for a couple weeks, but it counted. There were many days I didn’t do my practice until right before bed and had to wake up the next morning and do it all again.

I haven’t quite made it too 1000 days of sadhana yet, but I’ll let you know what fantastical powers I acquire when I do ;) I’m 913 days in, and I can tell you that I know without a single doubt that what prepares the mind for stillness, is sitting in stillness everyday. What prepares the body for stillness is the yoga asana, or postures we practice so that we might drop into those moments where the body and breath are one. When the body and breath are one we find moments where the mind stills and we connect inward to our deepest desire and potential.

I hope you will join me at 6:30am on Tuesday mornings where we get the chance to do our sadhana in community. We prepare the body and breath to unify with asana so that we might sit in stillness before we start the day. Cultivate your inner radiance with pranayama and meditation, and maybe, just maybe, you might consider 1000 days (or more) of sadhana too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Joy Ride #500wordsaday #fiction

Day 5
#500wordsaday #Fiction

Joy Ride
  "Let's cruise Soldier"
 I flung open the passenger door to my 79 charger. He looked over his shoulder and got in, 
ducking to the right the way the home boys did on a night of cruising
 "Where to?"
"Um, hit the five south".

I looked at him in the passenger side mirror and realized he wasn't the same as I had seen him before. He always had a funny look to him but I never really paid much attention to it. This time it was different though. His soul was absent. He caught me looking, turned and looked right through me as though he could read my half ass'd thoughts.

I was only 18. I had just graduated boot camp. I had a Semper Fi tattoo and a cocky attitude to prove it. I was so excited for the journey ahead of me. I was off to see the world and Camp Pendelton was my first stop. San Diego was so different from El Paso but I could still get a good taco. That's where I met Trigger a few weeks before. He was a nice guy, a little off but always nice. He never really shared much about himself but he asked a lot of questions. Not tonight though, he was very quiet and methodical. 

I kept getting a sense that I ignored. It was deep in my stomach. I almost had my finger on it when Trigger demanded "Get off here!" I took a swift right hand exit at California street and headed west. 

We pulled over at the tracks. 

He showed up in a hoodie smelling of bonfire smoke with a hint of a strange smell to it, almost like oil. He had the same distant look in his eyes. He was nervous. Not as friendly as Trigger but I didn't think much of his ways with me. They spoke in a slang that resulted in a gun pointed at my head by hoodie boy. 

"What the fuck?!"

I don't know what came over me? I didn't seem to care that I was staring down the barrel of a sawed off shotgun. I moved and I moved fast. I was out of the car and around the other side before the tweeker even knew what happened. He might have been in a better position had he kept his eye on me once he threatened me. I learned that in combat training. He was too busy looking over his shoulders. I had him pinned to the ground, now with his own gun digging into the back of his head. Trigger stepped out of the car slowly, reached for his own weapon and smiled.

"We don't want any trouble here soldier" 

The sirens in the distance sent Trigger running. Hoodie boy started to squirm, I let him up and he took off running down the tracks. I wanted to run too but my legs and arms went  limp. I looked down at my Metallica shirt and I was covered in blood from what I thought was because of the struggle. I dropped to my knees to take a breath. I closed my eyes and as if it were only seconds later, I opened my eyes to the bubble gum machines of the local police in front of me and helicopter lights above.

I am not entirely sure what really happened to the family in the house 3 blocks away. They found me dazed, covered in their blood holding the weapon that took their lives. All 3 of them including a little kid. 

I never heard from Trigger again but I heard his name a lot in the first months of my life in prison.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Caught in the Net #500wordsaday #Fiction

Day 4



Caught in the Net
He was the first one up every morning.  He had this idea that if he was the first one to the docks he would get to finally graduate from being the one to hold the nets. He  loaded all the gear, made sure the boat had gas and that his fathers' captain seat was clean and ready. He was often so early that he had time to run to the corner bait shop and grab his favorite doughnut, old fashioned with chocolate frosting. He usually thought of getting his brother one too but he always stopped himself.  Juan didn't deserve it.  Angel, the worm expert, always greeted him with a smile, a pat on the back and kind words. He would often tell him the secrets of the bay as if he was giving him a one up on the competition.  But Jose already knew his older brother would assume the position of lead kiss ass to his father, at least on this day. 

Jose knew that one day his brother would be interested in girls and he would take over his position. He was never going to like girls because that's what happened to his oldest brother Antonio and he ended up having to get a job in town. He didn't want that. He wanted to be the village fisherman, just like his Papa.  It meant that he would also have to take care of a baby and they were annoying. That's what Antonio said anyway. But Jose didn't really know anything about babies or why when you liked girls an annoying  baby showed up later. Juan told him it was because Antonio kissed Theresa. "YUCK! Kissing was gross anyway" Jose thought. That solved it. He would never like girls, he would never kiss a girl, he would never have to deal with babies and he could one day be the captain of the family boat, Amante Del Mar. That is all that matters. At least when you are six.

Papa was the first one to arrive as usual, pleased at the organization and care that Jose took to prepping all the details for the morning catch. Papa slung the canvas bag covered in fish scales onto the back bench near the catch pails. "You forgot your nets!" his Papa groaned. Jose hung his head low. He really wanted to be the best at his duties and he was so excited and hopeful to impress his father on the boat that he forgot his own supplies that morning. They weren't suppose to be his nets anyway but there was no one to pass them on to. He was the last of the children and his Mama said she wasn't having anymore unless it was an immaculate conception. He didn't really know what that meant but he prayed every night that it might happened. His teacher told him it only ever happened once and that was in the Bible a long time ago. So he watched carefully when Papa kissed Mama hello and good bye. He hoped a baby would arrive soon. It was all just so confusing.

Juan showed up late, as usual. He boarded near the stern careless as usual tipping over the catch pail. He knew Jose would pick it up. Juan took his position, closed his eyes and fell back asleep. Papa guided the bow of the boat through the short canal and into the bay. Jose unzipped his canvas supply bag, pulled out his nets and set them up in perfect order. He was ready. It was not the job he wanted but it was the job he would do well. And one day when the time was right, he would in fact move to the seat of Capitan.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Whiskey and Rum #500wordsaday Fiction

Day 3
#500wordsaday Fiction

Whiskey and Rum

Flo was her name. She had every bit of southern stereotype one could hope for. I went to see her everyday while I was in town. She served up the best cinnamon rolls in a 500 mile radius. Well she didn't actually serve them,  but she rang me up for them. Some days when she was feeling frisky  she would slide me one in a paper towel like a drug deal. They weren't really very good either. I would just visit her just so I could hear her snap her gum. I liked the way she snapped her gum. I liked the way she made me feel.

I was traveling north out of Wyoming when I happened upon the truck stop just before the Montana border. I had a destination but no desire to get there. At least that's what I told people.  I didn't really have any desires much these days. The back wheel of the trailer needed some air but that isn't why I stopped. It was the neon sign. Why was there a neon sign in the middle of the road that said shoe shine? And why was it hanging on a stop sign post with no stop sign? Damn hillbilly's!
I pulled into the drive and hit a few potholes. That wasn't so hard to do since it hadn't been repaired since it was first laid was my guess. I figured I'd go ahead and curb my curiosity. The trailer rocked hard to the left and then to the right. I didn't bother to slow down.  I knew it would be fine but the sound of the thrift store utensils, my old man's leftover tools and my granny's hand me down cooking pots told a different story.

I spent my days on the road as of late. It was better than the alternative grind back home. I had it with my cubicle and the bullshit that came with every project that passed my desk. I liked my work once.
 I knew how to juggle, I was a barber, I owned a 1968 airstream and I loved whiskey and rum. You wouldn't know I cut hair by the looks of mine, but you could definitely tell I liked whiskey and rum. The only thing my old lady said I could juggle was women. She was right. She was a nag. She was right up there with the cubicle in the pecking order of pros and cons when I hit the road.
I tipped my bottle, the last of it, and proceeded with what I thought was a swagger into the grungy linoleum covered shop smelling like grandpas overalls. I ordered up another bottle and demanded an explanation of who shined shoes. Because I felt like it. It was late. The young, freckled redhead behind the counter looked me straight in the eye, placed her hand  firmly on her hip with her thumb stuck in the belt loop, snapped her gum four times and said "who's asking?" 

"My name is Samuel and I need a polish"

"You need a bath!" 

I lifted my arm to smell the subject of discussion. She was right.

She  became my wife.