Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December. The last month of the year, a time for rushed days and chilly nights. The time when no matter how conscious you are all year, some sort of old way slips in, a time when consumption overloads consciousness.

I personally feel like December presents me with many challenges to remain on my path and I accept that as a gift. A gift of that dark side I always talk about. If December (the holidays to be specific) didn't offer all these challenging moments then we may not appreciate the New Year ahead of us.

Last year I chose to take a different approach in the month of December. I chose December as the time to reflect on the past year and to write my proclaimations for the coming year instead of waiting for the New Year like I always did. It served me well. Well until the end of this year when I recognized that I failed to hold true to most of my proclaimations. For this I am not sad yet I am proud! The fact that not a day went by that I was not aware of my promises to myself, kept me in the space of acting as a better woman. I may not have been perfect all year, but I sure did make effort and succeeded in many areas. So needless to say I give myself an "A" for effort in the year of 2011.

December. A time to move inward and renegotiate the way you move forward in life. May you move forward in 2012 being true to yourself, better toward others and may you start and end the year with effort leading to ease in all that you do.

May all beings who need and desire this sacred space find their way here!

And just in case you need directions:

~visit the Hot Mama Schedule here

~ Visit here for adult schedule

I am signing off this year with my very full report card for 2011 with straight A's! Come on in for a class, workshop or free group and let me put a few A's on your card because I think you too are worth the effort!

In peace, love, juiciness & holiday ease

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The process of bringing the vision life

If someone would have told me 15 years ago it was going to take 15 years to get where I am today, I would have gone ahead with the plan of offing myself. Instead, I took the place of pathetic child with no self esteem and some unknown lack of desire to get out of bed each morning. Well, here I am 15 years later and making a difference but not really in the way I thought possible.

Along the way, I became a yoga teacher, because spirit gave me no choice. I hit the earth in a downward spiral to be picked up and literally shown a sign to yoga. Literally! A sign on a building that said "YOGA". So I figured what did I have to lose. Life pretty much sucked as it was, yoga couldn't be any worse. So I did it. I took the class and remembered thinking in the first 5 minutes how annoyed I was that I wore the wrong outfit. By pose 3, I was in tears and that didn't end until I was lying in svasana thinking to myself, WOW! and this is good for you?

Next thing I know I am teaching a final exam to become a teacher and I don't remember a single thing that came out of my mouth. Spirit guided that class that night as I just allowed as a good vessel does. I was unaware at the moment, but when class ended, I didn't really know what had happened, or at least how to explain what had happened.
Being an entrepreneur, it was nearly impossible for me to do anything without creating a business around it. Back then yoga wasn't quite the business it is today and it took a lot of focus to make it happen. And there it was the start of Nature's Whisper Yoga.

NWSY has a deep focus and commitment to the empowerment of all beings through the teachings of authenticity and using all of life's lessons & pleasures for spiritual growth. Today Nature's Whisper Yoga has taken on the form of a school. Nature's Whisper School of Yoga consists of 3 levels of learning:
~the inspired practitioner: offering group classes, workshops & retreats.

~the serious student: offering Yogic Life Coaching, Life Trainings, 200 hour yoga teacher Trainings & Business of Yoga Mentoring.
~the professional teacher: offering additional trainings to accomplish 500 hour credentials & Mentoring Teacher Certification.

NWSY has focus on the empowerment of women and children & believes that world peace begins in the womb. In order to make this belief a reality, NWSY founded Sassy Seva Sisters, the philanthropic division of the school. SSS is currently awaiting its non-profit status and supports womens shelters, homeless schools, homeless in San Diego and local families in need.

Jolie is an advocate for natural birth, attachment parenting and co-sleeping as tools for empowering our youth. From this advocacy, Hot Mama Yoga, Buddha Baby Yoga, Vinyasa Mama Yoga, Mommie Time Yoga with Kids Space and Rug Rat Yoga were born as important programs in the curriculum at Nature's Whisper Studio in University Heights, San Diego. All forms of introducing and sharing Yoga with children whether in the belly or in arms. NWSY is the first Yoga Studio in San Diego to offer a space for children to indulge in yogic play while their mom (or dad) practices yoga in the next room.

Jolie's mission, which has been adopted by NWSY, is to hold the space and facilitate the opening of the body, heart and mind so as one, we may move forward in life without obstruction and become a filter for others to see the light of spirituality.

It has been through vision and passion that this has all come to life. The vision continues to grow and shape shift to accommodate the needs and desires of the community. I invite you to join our growing community.

Jolie Cash
founder Nature's Whisper and Hot Mama Yoga
director Nature's Whisper School of Yoga
President Sassy Seva Sisters

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hot Mama Yoga YTT~What it's all about

“Hot Mama Yoga is about empowering woman, their changing bodies, and through them, their partners and children. By empowering woman in their bodies during the most important time of their life, I feel that I can bring the consciousness back to the support of the sisterhood. Hot Mama Yoga is about bringing women back to the source of spiritual experiences through pregnancy and birth.

A time in life that has been forgotten where women support women, where women sit in circles of women and remind each other of themselves when they forget. “ ~Jolie Cash

Hot Mama Yoga began with Jolie’s vision of empowering the children. Jolie believes that world peace begins in the womb and in order to reach the children, Jolie began with the women as the main caretakers. Jolie also believes that all women deserve an empowered birth and through the understanding of their body and the energy that moves through them, that they can have a natural empowered spiritual experience through their birth.

Jolie's teaching focus is on the integration of wisdom and intuition, in order to release the old to make room for the new. The process of birth as a right of passage is a beautiful expression of this. She teaches a fluid style of yoga creating a garland of postures with the breath and sound. Prenatal classes include the use of sound as a way to connect the perineum with the palette as a main flow of energy in the birthing process (or the jaw with the hips for a more physical approach). By sharing sound with movement in a sacred space, the women become less inhibited during the birth process and more willing to follow their body along with the baby through the process.

Just as Hot Mama Yoga focuses on supporting pregnant woman as they venture into the right of passage of becoming a mother, Buddha Baby Yoga (postnatal with baby) shares the qualities of yoga for awareness of moms new body as well as bringing awareness to mom about baby through infant massage, mom and baby partner poses such as baby flips. Hot Mama Buddha Baby yoga supports the changing female body and encourages playgroups as an outlet for connecting with other mothers.

Jolie Cash, the director of Nature’s Whisper School of Yoga, the home of Hot Mama Yoga, is a DOULA (labor and birth support) that believes in natural birth, the experience of "natural" right of passage and supporting birth choices. Many of Jolie’s Hot Mama’s refer to her as the “Baby Whisperer” for her natural and intuitive ability to soothe a fussy baby. Jolie loves to focus on the digestion of a new baby and to share with the Mama’s ways of relieving an uncomfortable infant through baby massage, movement & nutritional support ideas.

Jolie’s mission is to hold the space and facilitate the opening of the body, heart and mind so as one, we may move forward in life without obstruction and become a filter for others to see the light of spirituality.

When Jolie isn’t teaching Hot Mama & Buddha Baby Yoga, she is training others how to teach yoga. She is a natural birth advocate, an author, inspiration speaker of empowering women and all around baby lover. Jolie also teaches regular workshops, Teacher Trainings

and retreats throughout the United States.

Nature’s Whisper School of Yoga is located at 4205 Park Blvd, San Diego. For complete class schedule and studio details visit To contact Jolie directly about the upcoming Hot Mama Yoga Teacher Training, or to book her for an event at your location, you may contact Nature’s Whisper School of Yoga at

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vinyasa Mama

Vinyasa Mama, a time of practice set aside for the attachment parenting kind!

Veronica & baby Ilo will lead you through an all levels Vinyasa Flow class offering up the spaciousness to tend to your child if needed. This class is mama focused, unlike Buddha Baby Yoga (mom & baby yoga), but children of all stages are welcome to attend.

Worried that your child wil be too much of a distraction for your yoga practice? Perfect! Use this time as practice for life. Life as a mother can throw many distractions your way, so what better way than to work them out on the mat with the support of a loving mother herself!

Veronica, a new mother to a magical and lovable baby boy, Ilo, strives to synthesize her passion for yoga and cultivating peace with nurturing her child, a synthesis she is thrilled to be working towards. When Veronica is off the mat, besides being a mama, She loves to travel & nourish inner, interpersonal and international peace through their writing. Veronica has worked with local teenage girls through photographic narrative camps and finds passion in teaching yoga to at-risk youth. Most recently, while in Sierra Leone, she had the opportunity to facilitate yoga with at-risk youth in Freetown. She is also one smart cookie! Veronica graduated summa cum laude with All College Honors, obtaining her B.A. in both Psychology and Philosophy as well as graduating from the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace and Justice Studies as a Gandhi Fellow to earn her M.A.

Join Veronica and Baby Ilo for a peaceful time of focus and fire with Vinyasa Mama Yoga while finding that inner peace within your mama-hood!

Vinyasa Mama Yoga with Veronica & Baby Ilo every Tuesday 9:15-10:30am
Starts September 20th

Daddy's Welcome

Brent & Thea

Because sometimes
Vinyasa Daddy is just
better than Kids Space!

Not interested in practicing with your child on the mat, then try
Mommy Time Yoga on Wednesday's & Friday's 9:30-10:45am
with Kids Space
for the children to "play" yoga while you enjoy your practice in the next room.

There! now you have no excuse not to indulge in your practice of yoga.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ashley Finally Graduates!

Ashley Llano~Nature's Whispers newest graduate!

The first weekend into the training, a Bhakti Yoga Module (devotional yoga) and Ashley conceives! Something about those offerings to Shiva, the masculine, the creator (and destroyer) of energy, that can bring on devotion to the lover..........

Ashley already has 2 little ones and to her delight, baby number 3 was on his way. But not before she finishes a 200 hour yoga teacher training. Let me clarify "Finishes" as in the hours attended. The OMwork? Now that's another story.

A few months later, Ashley called to ask if she promised to finish her OMwork, would I allow her to attend an advance training on teaching Hot Mama prenatal and Mom & Baby Yoga. Of course! How does one say no to such devotion. Remember the Shiva thing. The only confusion on my part, was the lack of question (or was it the desire to not know?) as to WHEN that OMwork was going to be completed. Honestly, I didnt really care because I knew she was a natural born teacher and quite honestly, I knew my training wouldn't be the same without her, nor would the experience of the others had they not had Ashleys humor, quick wit and ability to withstand fierce devotion to the task at hand. She balanced the training(s) as well as her husband, 2 children, a pregnancy plus a family business, even if it was monkey business. Beside my own trust and understanding of her process, I could see her own trust and HER understanding of her process.
So 1- 1/2 years later, 2 trainings later, many optional hours of monitoring my classes, student teaching public classes and a healthy baby boy, Ashley completed her forever dreaded task of completing her 200 hour yoga teacher training. In her words, "Once I put it to the task, it wasn't even that hard."
Her work was superb, she kept her eye on the prize even if it meant that she had 3 babies hanging off her legs between each paragraph of the carefully constructed commentary on the yoga sutras, or the making of snacks in between testing out class plans or the satisfaction she served up her hubby when he got home from a long day at the office.

What I see in this completion is Ashley's feirce devotion to becoming a teacher, whether it be on the mat or in the toy box. I see devotion to herself, a challenging accomplishment for a mother, and a desire to step up to the next level simply because she has a passion, a love of herself. A love on so many levels, and I'm not taking just about yoga poses!

Ashley, you inspire me and I am honored to announce that you are a graduate! I am honored to have you as a part of Nature's Whisper School of Yoga and Hot Mama Buddha Baby Yoga. May all who come into your presence be graced with your gifts as I have in these past few years, and then some.

I love you!

Namaste, Jolie

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fresh Life & Short Skirts

Happy Spring!
A Scottish boyfriend of mine would share with me about the excitement of him and all his friends when Spring would hit the chilled hills of Glasgow. His recollection was that the girls would let their hair flow, they would take their tights off and bare their legs and the skirts got shorter. The joy in his eyes was that still of his 17 year old recollection. I loved hearing that story because that is what Spring is all about. The fresh newness of life! Spring is such an amazing time of the year. People get happier, more open to change and lots of babies get made. (And yes! Probably because skirts get shorter! I know I have a lot of pregnant women in my studio these days.) I also love the confirmation of the power of women in his story. It was as if he waited the whole winter to sprout once he saw the beautiful girl un-cloak herself of the winter darkness. And she WAS his fresh life!

The beauty of the power of woman! And the sadness of how simple it is given away. To a lover, to work, to the opinions of others. This is my passion. First and foremost to not give my own power away. My life's work, through the mirror of my own self awareness and self love, is to facilitate the awakening of the power of woman within her. Whoever she is and whenever she shows up on my door step to receive. My door is always open and this is a calling card to awaken your most powerful authentic self.

With love from the depth of my Power.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hot Mama Yoga~more than a sexy bump

Hot Mama Yoga is about empowering woman, their changing bodies, and through them, their partners and children.

By empowering woman in their bodies during the most important time of their life, I feel that I can bring the consciousness back to the support of the sisterhood.

Hot Mama Yoga is about bringing women back to the source of spiritual experiences through pregnancy and birth. A time in life that has been forgotten where women support women, where women sit in circles of women and remind each other of themselves when they forget.

First Trimester

The first trimester is a beautiful time to connect with your already changing body. A moment in time to sit back and take in the powerful shift from maiden to mother. A time to honor your changing body from within, before any visual changes happen. The first trimester is a time to embody the willingness to care for yourself first so that you may better show up for your child in the future. You deserve to receive! A beautiful changing body deserves to be treated like a goddess.

Second Trimester

The second trimester is all about your changing body and the growing baby. A time to honor every single cell that is created by all that you do in your body and your life for the highest good of your baby growing in your womb. This time is a time for aligning your values as a mother and how you wish to bring this beautiful soul into the world. Manifesting the type of difference you wish your child to be a part of without expectations. A time when you start to feel the baby, to connect with this soul being on a physical level . This is the time to call in your sisters to support your vision of a healthy happy birth and begin to manifest birthday with intention.

Third Trimester

Your growing body is now in full realm of goddess awaiting! This is the time to move inward to a place of deep connection with your child that is now almost fully grown. Beginning to connect with your child’s rhythms and patterns. This is a beautiful time to have “conversations” with your baby and share your inner most desires and wishes for their well being. This is the beginning stages of integrating this amazing soul into your family and be present for its responses to your connections. A deep meditative time in your life and the closest connection to mother earth ever to be felt.

Post Partum

After your baby is born, becomes a time that you can just “be”with your baby. No expectations, no place to be other than fully connected to your new child. This is the time to be one with your baby. As you nourish your child with the nectar of your breasts, you nourish yourself with love and stillness. A time to release ideas and control and surrender into “what is” with your new baby. Allowing yourself to naturally find your way and do as nature and your baby guides you to do.

Buddha Baby

Buddha baby is about connecting to your baby as you connect back to your body. Reminding yourself that it took you 9 months to make this beautiful baby and that sacred non-judgmental time will bring you to a place of understanding with your new rhythms and motherly figure. A special moment in time that you have just for you and your baby to share in a stillness that can guide your life as mother and child. A place where you can teach your child by example what it is to be centered, loving and understanding with yourself. A time to connect movement, breath and stillness to bring about harmony to an ever changing life.

My mission is to hold the space and facilitate the opening of the body, heart

and mind so as one, we may move forward in life without obstruction

and become a filter for others to see the light of spirituality. ~Jolie Cash

World Peace begins in the womb

*This is an excerpt from the Hot Mama Yoga Teacher Training manual written and published by Jolie Cash for the prenatal & postnatal YogaTeacher Trainings held at Nature's Whisper School of Yoga (home of Hot Mama Yoga)

Jolie also offers Hot Mama Yoga Teacher Trainings across the country. To book Jolie for an event or training, email Jolie directly at