Friday, December 31, 2010
Jolie's Proclamations for 2011
I was inspired by a friend last year when he wrote his manifesto for the year. I always have my ideas of how I want to live better and do more for others but never really made it public. I guess out of fear of failure. I usually do this in September. I am not sure why September but it just always seems to flow at that time of the year for me. This year I fell in love in September and have spent the last 3 months finding balance in this amazing relationship. So here I am in the cliche time of the year preparing my thoughts for the year to come~2011.
I sat with the title "Manifesto" and it seemed so rigid. When I looked up the exact meaning of the word, it had "government agency" in the definition. Funny to me, as one of my new ways to rise above in the new year was to move away from "agencies", so I needed a new title. As I proclaim my vision, my purpose and worth, it did not include the definition of manifest, as I already own all that I am about to proclaim, it is now that I make it pubic. I no longer live in fear, so I proclaim!
I vow to be a better woman. A better woman to myself and in turn to my lover. To always show up as a feminine soul to match his masculine being. To release control and allow the flow of our balanced love. To feed and nourish him from my well of self nourished love and abundance on all levels and to open to his reciprocation. I will make more love and laugh more often.
I vow to be a better woman to other women. To never speak ill of another woman and to uplift her as I uplift myself. To hold a space of sanctuary in my heart and my studio that all women may feel supported and nourished just as I nourish myself.
I vow to be more effective on my recycling and to honor mother earth and her energy in all that I do. To leave a lighter footprint by less consumption and by eating local whole foods.
I vow to live more minimally.
I vow to treat my body with love and respect.
I vow to grow the philanthropic portion of my school, Sassy Seva Sisters, so that all women and chidren are supported through movement, music and art. By supporting the women, I know the men will flourish. I vow to support women in business and allow them to grow their business through the gifts of my school. I support all women bringing their children to work and offer them the freedom to tend to their children in their work day.
l vow to finish my book, The Unconventional Yogini. Through the wisdom of my book, I will create deeper modules of trainings, offering support of emotional release of old patterns and neurosis that no longer serve us as a collective. My book is an offering not only to my mentor, but most importantly as a gift to myself and all those that need or desire the teachings.
I vow to continue to uphold the standards of the midwifery model of childbirth and lifestyle by advocating natural childbirth, attachment and natural parenting as well as well woman care without unnecessary interventions. I will continue the vision and success of Hot Mama Yoga, and the trainings for those that wish to uphold the vision as teachers and facilitators supporting the empowerment of prenatal and postnatal women.
I vow to grow the teen programs, teaching abstinence, self esteem and self respect so that the boys will respect them also.
My school will no longer adhere to standards or accredidations set forth by government agencies or otherwise that do not reflect authentic standards of business. I will no longer give the energy of money to those that do not support my proclamations.
In closing, I open my sanctuary that all may find refuge in the offerings I have. I open my mind that spirit will continue to fill me with the offerings that have shown me the light of spirituality. I open my body that I may continue to become a filters for others to see that light. I open my heart so that my heart may open me.
I look forward to sharing my love & passion in 2011.
Jolie Cash
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