Monday, May 24, 2010

A poetry "dump" on Inspiration~no editing allowed

Inspired by the people I surround myself with
So surrounded
The walls are closing in
Expanding inward, inward I may reverse into nothing
Opening outward and then I see the surrounding
There it is again, the inspiration that comes from every direction
It shows up when I am deflated
It leaves when I am full
It hovers until I am open enough to bring it back in
Why does it leave? I don't want it to
It only expires in my darkest place
When I don't trust the balance
When I question the light
It is in the balance that I find the inspiration once again
Then there you are, my inspiration in the form of those that surround me
So surrounded

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sassy Seva Sisters Success!

Sassy Seva Sisters Swap for Becky's House!

6 HUGE bags of clothing, shoes & accessories for the women at the transition house.

All the clothing will benefit women making a transition from an abusive lifestyle. We specifically got together to collect nice suits, pants, tops and other work attire to support these brave women as they venture into the working world. The night included a fashion show & lots of giggles!

This is Javier helping me deliver the bags to the women.

Sassy Seva Sisters for Schools

It was such a delight to see all the School & Art supplies coming in at the entrance to our graduation ceremony last Sunday!

The graduates chose The Monarch Schools as the monthly SSS charity and collected over 2, 350 individual pens, pencils, paper, glue sticks, dry erase markers, crayola, and other misc items for the homeless children to use during their school day.
*Much thanks to Jen & her amazing daughter for counting!

Monarch Schools supports homeless children in learning how NOT to be homeless through education. Monarch schools also offers medical and dental to the children.

You may continue to support the school for the month of May by dropping off new school & art supplies to any class at Nature's Whisper School of Yoga at 4205 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103

SASSY SEVA SISTERS Saves a life for the month of June!
Stay tuned for Girls night Out with Sensual Movement & Moms Night Off with Yoga, Mani's & Pedi's ALL Proceeds will go to benefit Summer Autio as she LIVES through her 3rd opportunity at curing cancer! Summer is a dear friend, amazing teacher and mentor to many.

Sassy Seva Sisters is the philanthropic division of Nature's Whisper School of Yoga. We support women and children through our selfless service. If you would like to be a part of Sassy Seva Sisters, please contact Jolie directly at (760)213-1110 or

NWSY is currently asking for help! If you would like to be a part of (or the sole driven being) to set up Sassy Seva Sisters as a non-profit, please contact Jolie NOW!

Namaste & thank you for offering of yourself for the highest good of all beings
Jolie Cash
Sassy Sister with a cause

'Early bird deadlines & Schedule corrections'

'Early bird deadlines & Schedule corrections'

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Imagine A Woman

The Imagine A Woman series is based on a poem that was given to me during a time in my life that I was searching for the woman that I knew existed inside of me. It is called Imagine by Patricia Lynn Reily

The words brought me to my most inner power, allowing me to Imagine myself as this amazing woman that was already who I was. A simple reminder to move back to the wisdom that I came to this earth with.

In this series we will delve into the innate wisdom & pure authentic power that you too know exists within you!

We will journal, meditate, indulge in art as an outlet, move our bodies the way nature intends us to move and sit in circle with women of all ages and rhythms~honoring the maiden, mother & crone.

Sitting in a circle of women being reminded of yourself when you forget
as a resource of embracing your innate wisdom and most authentic self!

The series will run June 1st through October 12th on each Tuesday of the week from 7:30-9:30pm. A free Yoga class is included prior to the circle from 6:00-7:15pm.

For more information and to register, visit here