Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nature's Whisper School of Yoga Announces it's new blog & new program!

Jolie kicks off her new blog by announcing Sassy Seva Sisters

Wanna be a Sassy Seva Sister?
Nature's Whisper School of Yoga is giving back and needs help!

My vision is for the empowerment of women & children
Every month Sassy Seva Sisters (this could be you) will offer an event to support this vision.

Join me in the first event by bringing a used yoga mat and/or blanket
to the Grand Opening of Nature's Whisper Yoga Studio
Saturday, March 6th
Ganesha Puja, space blessing, food & Jolie's birthday cake!

Blankets will be auctioned off starting at $20
All money will go to feed Women's Shelter Downtown San Diego
All the blankets will be delivered to those sleeping on the streets for warmth

Used Yoga Mats will be auctioned off starting at $30
All money will go to buy ECO friendly mats for the community of NWSY
*for every mat purchased, JADE will plant a tree
All the mats will be delivered to those sleeping on the streets for cushion

NOTE: Those purchasing, will not be taking home blankets or mats, only a warm heart!

You may also join me in delivering food & cooking for the women
as well as dropping off goodies to the streets.

Next month:
Sassy Seva Sisters Clothing Swap

Bring all your unwanted clothes to the clothing swap party
we will deliver to the Women's Shelter
*they need suits and professional interview clothing to look for jobs